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Resolutions & Amendments

28th International Convention - Los Angeles, CA (1988)

Contracting Out and Privitization

Resolution No. 163
28th International Convention
June 20-24, 1988
Los Angeles, CA


The pressure by state and local governments to contract out public services has increased dramatically in recent years. Privatization is an abdication of responsibility rather than a commitment to improving government; and


Contracting out is being sold to taxpayers as a way of saving money and improving services. In reality, there are serious problems associated with contracting out, including higher costs, deterioration of service, loss of government accountability and flexibility, negative impacts on the economy and often economic dislocation for women and minorities in particular; and


The President's Commission on Privatization has recommended widespread contracting out of federal government functions in 15 program areas as well as the sale of assets, such as national parks. The Administration's position is that the private sector performs better than the public sector, even though contracting efforts by the federal government have proven to be wasteful; and


Several of the Commission's recommendations would have significant impact on state and local government jobs, particularly the issuing of vouchers for public school education and increasing private sector participation in urban mass transit; and


Many major corporations, in the face of increasing competition from foreign companies, have turned aggressively to the public sector for additional profits; and


Women and minorities rely to a greater extent than white male workers on employment with state and local governments as an avenue to social and economic advancement, and therefore, are disproportionately affected by contracting out; and


The private sector often provides entry-level workers with lower wages, fewer benefits, and less opportunity for advancement than does the public sector. The elimination of middle income jobs and the creation of lower-paid jobs results in a lower tax base for the community and an increased need for social services.


That AFSCME continue to fight the contracting out of public services which have traditionally been performed by public employees; and


That AFSCME councils and locals vigorously oppose contracting out by pointing out to employers, politicians, and the public the real cost and disadvantages of privatization; and


That AFSCME locals and councils negotiate the best possible safeguards and protections against contracting out. In addition, other tactics such as cost comparisons and feasibility analyses, publicity campaigns, lobbying, community coalitions, and the passage of legislation which would restrict the privatization of public services should also be considered and used where appropriate.



International Executive Board