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Resolutions & Amendments

28th International Convention - Los Angeles, CA (1988)

Develop Training in Video Techniques and Materials

Resolution No. 66
28th International Convention
June 20-24, 1988
Los Angeles, CA


A broad-ranging education program — one which reaches as many AFSCME local union officers, stewards and activists as possible — results in a more active, participating union membership; and


It is necessary to continually upgrade and devise new training methods and materials in order to impact on large numbers of rank-and-file members; and


Recent surveys of AFSCME's membership have revealed that a large majority of members own VCR equipment; and


Utilization of video tapes in training programs has proven to be a cost-effective way to give more unionists access to the information they need to carry out their responsibilities; and


Most of the training topics which have proven valuable to local officers and stewards — such as grievance handling, organizing, building a steward system, and preparation for bargaining, to name a very few — readily lend themselves to the video format.


That the International Union begin developing and providing to the membership a series of training videos which can be used as tools to supplement and enhance the wide variety of training programs and workshops which the International offers to AFSCME members.



Oliver Preston, President
Annette Zeni, Secretary
Council 10
Oakland, California