The District of Columbia is the international capital of the world and purports to be the seat of democracy and advocate democracy around the world; and
The residents of the District of Columbia pay the second highest per capita of federal taxes in the U. S. but have never been given full voting rights to representation in Congress; and
The residents of the District of Columbia have long sought and are still in pursuit of legislative and budget autonomy, and self-determination; and
The Congress of the United States has not fulfilled its financial obligation to the District of Columbia with regard to the federal payment; and
The Congress of the United States has denied the local government the right to levy certain taxes and has exempted from taxes fifty-seven (57) percent of the real estate in the city; and
The District of Columbia raises over 85% of its budget but is not allowed to spend its money without congressional approval; and
The Congress of the United States has established through Public Law 104-8, the District of Columbia Financial Management and Assistance Authority (the Control Board), which has been granted virtually unlimited power which usurps home rule and diminishes the powers of the Council of the District of Columbia as well as the powers of the Mayor to make decisions over day to day government operations thereby diluting the people of the District of Columbia who elected these people to office; and
AFSCME International is the leading union of all unions with the voting strength of over 1.3 million members; and
AFSCME International is in the forefront fighting for the full rights of its members.
That the brothers and sisters of this convention contact and urge their members and families back home that when endorsing candidates for Congress and President of the United States you demand that they support full autonomy for the residents of the District of Columbia to spend their budgeted money without congressional approval.
Beverlye Neal, President
AFSCME Local 2401, Council 20
Washington, D.C.Gizaw Gessesse, Executive Director and Delegate
AFSCME Council 20
District of ColumbiaCharles Hicks, President and Delegate
AFSCME Local 1808, Council 20
District of ColumbiaClara B. Webb, President and Delegate
AFSCME Local 2921, Council 20
District of Columbia