That the International Union Constitution is amended by adding a new Section 51 to Article IX, to read as follows, and renumbering the subsequent sections as appropriate:
Section 51. Any subordinate body may convene its regular or special meetings of officers, executive board, or membership in person and/or by audio and/or video teleconference provided that, before a subordinate body may convene such a virtual meeting, its executive board shall adopt and adhere to the written policy contained in Appendix F of this Constitution. Audio and/or video teleconference meetings shall not be permitted for conventions or elections.
That the International Union Constitution is amended by adding a new Appendix F to read as follows:
Policy for Conducting Audio and/or Video Teleconference Meetings of a Subordinate Body
1. Regular and special meetings of the (name of subordinate body), including its Executive Board, may be conducted through the use of audio and/or video teleconferencing (referred to as a “virtual meeting”).
2. All equipment required to conduct the virtual meeting must be readily accessible, or made available, to all participating members.
3. The method of virtual meeting selected must provide members with the opportunity to hear and speak to each other simultaneously and shall allow for the accurate recording of meeting minutes.
4. Notice of any meeting conducted virtually shall include instructions on how each member is to participate in the meeting.
5. All members present and participating via audio and/or video teleconferencing shall be included in determining a quorum. Prior to each vote on a motion, the presiding officer shall inquire as to the continued presence of those participating through audio and/or video teleconferencing. If members are no longer participating for any reason, including but not limited to because of equipment malfunction or voluntary discontinuance of the electronic connection, they shall no longer be considered as present or counted as part of the quorum.
6. All members participating in virtual meetings may raise points of order, seek recognition to speak and submit motions for consideration.
7. If the subordinate body enters into Executive Session, at the outset the presiding officer shall require each person participating through audio and/or video teleconferencing to give assurance that no other person is present or able to hear the conversation.
8. If the subordinate body wants to include additional standards, they shall be consistent with the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised.
ADOPTED this ____ day of__________, 20__.
That the International Union Constitution, Article XII, Section 11, is amended to read as follows:
Section 11. Appendix A, entitled “Membership Obligation,” and Appendix B, entitled “Obligation of an Officer,” and Appendix C, entitled “Constitution for Local Unions,” and Appendix D, entitled “Elections Code,” and Appendix E, entitled “Constitutional Amendments Adopted at the 2006 International Convention with Future Effective Dates,” and Appendix F, entitled “Policy for Conducting Audio and/or Video Teleconference Meetings of a Subordinate Body,” are attached to this Constitution and are, by this reference, made a part of this Constitution.
Lee Saunders, International President
Laura Reyes, International Secretary-Treasurer