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Resolutions & Amendments

46th International Convention - Los Angeles (2024)

An Amendment to Provide for the Electronic Credentialing of Delegates to International Conventions

Amendment No. 2


That the International Union Constitution, Article IV, Section 4 is amended to read as follows:

Section 4. Not less than seventy-five days prior to the opening of any convention, the International Secretary-Treasurer shall issue a convention call, in the name of the International Executive Board. Such call shall state the time, date, and place of the convention and, in the case of a special convention, the purpose or purposes. A copy of the call shall be sent to all subordinate bodies, together with the appropriate information and number of blank credential forms or other materials needed for the subordinate body to register its delegates.


That the International Union Constitution, Article IV, Section 19 is amended to read as follows:

Section 19. Each member of the Credentials Committee shall, upon accepting appointment to such committee, be disqualified from becoming a candidate for elective office at the convention. The Credentials Committee shall receive from the International Secretary- Treasurer, in advance of the convention, all credentials which have been received by the International Secretary-Treasurer, which if received by mailsuch credentials having been stamped as to the date they were received and attached to the envelope in which they were received, or if submitted electronically, printouts of such credentials which shall indicate the date received. The Credentials Committee shall receive from the International Secretary- Treasurer, in advance of the convention, a report on the month-by-month per capita tax payments of each local union for the twelve consecutive months ending with the fourth full month preceding the opening of the convention. The Credentials Committee shall provide facilities for the registration of delegates. The Credentials Committee shall make all decisions concerning the validity of credentials and decide all questions regarding the bona fide absence of delegates and the seating of alternates, such decisions being subject to appeal to the convention. Any delegate whose credential was not received by the International Secretary-Treasurer by the twentieth day prior to the convention or addressed to the International Secretary-Treasurer and postmarked by the twentieth day prior to the convention shall be considered an irregular delegate. No irregular delegate shall be seated at the opening of the convention and no irregular delegate shall be included in the initial report of the Credentials Committee. Following the adoption of the convention rules, irregular delegates may be seated by a majority vote of the convention. No delegate shall be permitted to register after 1:00 p.m. on the second day of the convention. The Credentials Committee shall provide each delegate with a complete copy of the Committee’s report or reports.


That the International Union Constitution, Article VI, Section 3, subsections A and B are amended to read as follows:

Section 3. The International Secretary-Treasurer shall serve as Secretary at all conventions, and in such capacity shall:

  1. Issue a convention call, in the name of the International Executive Board, not less than seventy-five days prior to the opening of any convention. Such call shall state the time, date and place of the Convention and, in the case of a special convention, the purpose or purposes. The International Secretary-Treasurer shall send a copy of the call to all subordinate bodies, together with the information and materials required to certify its delegates together with the appropriate number of blank credential forms. The International Secretary-Treasurer shall read the call to the delegates at the opening session of the
  2. Receive in advance of the Convention all credentials and submit them to the Credentials Committee. Such credentials, if received by mail, shall be stamped reflecting as to the date of receipt, and attached to the envelope in which they were received, and submitted to the Credentials Committee. If the credentials are received electronically, the date of receipt shall be noted and provided to the Credentials Committee.


That the International Union Constitution, Article VIII, Section 7 is amended to read as follows:

Section 7. The International Executive Board shall determine the time, date, and place for meetings of the regular biennial convention; provided, however, that such convention shall begin at some time between April 1 and September 30 in each evenly numbered year. For a specific purpose or purposes, which shall be clearly defined by the Board, a special convention may be called at any time by the International Executive Board. The International Executive Board may prescribe the process and method of submitting credentials for regular, special or district conventions of the International Union, consistent with this Constitution, and which may provide for the submission of electronically filed credentials.

SUBMITTED BY: International Executive Board