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Resolutions & Amendments

46th International Convention - Los Angeles (2024)

Mental Health Professional Well-Being Programs

Resolution No. 45


Mental health is an integral component to well-being, and mental health is being recognized as having parity with physical health. With the increased awareness of mental health issues, patients are receiving the care they need from mental health workers; and 


The number of recent mental health diagnoses in the United States is staggering, causing an increase in the number of hours worked by those providing care to this population of patients; and 


Staff safety is important in all health care settings. No health care worker should feel threatened or at risk in the workplace and all health facilities should work to mitigate common risk factors and create safe, secure working environments; and 


Safety is a particularly important issue in mental health care facilities because patients suffering from mental illness are statistically more likely to show aggressive behavior than those on general hospital wards. A 2015 study showed that around 1 in 6 (17%) psychiatric inpatients had committed at least one act of violence during their stay in the hospital. Studies that contain higher proportions of male patients, involuntary patients, patients with schizophrenia and patients with alcohol and substance use disorders reported even higher rates of aggressive behavior; and 

The emotional and physical impact on mental health professionals who care for mental health patients must be acknowledged with advocacy and support programs to follow; and 


Mental health professionals are at a greater risk of workplace injury, including physical injury, emotional trauma and exposure to bodily fluids that may result in injury and illness. Mental health workers labor in high stress environments and are more likely to be victims of workplace violence and assaults. These workers have little to no self-care services available. Employers must support mental health professionals, providing well-being care. 

AFSCME commits to supporting employer-based well-being programs that address the physical and mental health needs of mental health professionals. 
Craig A. Ford, President 
Charmaine Morales, Secretary-Treasurer and Delegate 