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Resolutions & Amendments

Other International Executive Board Resolutions

AFSCME Enterprise database system

International Executive Board, 2001


One of AFSCME's stated goals is the establishment of a culture of communication throughout the union to ensure that all members and leaders are informed about the union's activities, and


Delegates to the 34th International Convention adopted Resolution Number 22, Expanding Communications Capacities of AFSCME Affiliates, which commits the International Union to further improving the communications capacities of its councils, locals and other affiliates; and


Communication is based upon access to accurate and timely information regarding our members. Information technology is the strategic asset that permits the effective management of the information gathered on our members to improve communication with, and provide better service to, our members. Therefore, all of AFSCME's major affiliates should maintain automated membership and officers systems.


The data contained in the International Union's membership system is furnished by our affiliates. Employer data on which affiliates rely for their membership systems is often inaccurate and limited, and many employers are even reluctant to provide the union with access to meaningful data. While some affiliates are able to obtain more comprehensive information, these are few in number and the data collected is not standardized. The International Union's membership system presently does not provide for collection of such data.


That the International Union will commence work in 2001 to redesign its Enterprise Membership System, moving to a database system that increases flexibility to manipulate data. The International Union will revise its member database to gather expanded information on individual members, including but not limited to: (1) job-related information, including bargaining unit and job class; (2) congressional district and other political and legislative information; and (3) increased communication information on individual members, including email addresses. The International Union will also expand the data it gathers on each affiliate and the information it maintains on affiliate officers; and


That the International Union will work to develop compatible networked database interfaces that reduce duplicative efforts and facilitate information sharing within the International. Various departmental databases, such as the PEOPLE database, the new Organizing and Field Services database, and Research and Collective Bargaining Services' Contracts and Minimum Dues databases, will be networked to share data; and


All major AFSCME affiliates are urged to actively participate in securing and maintaining accurate automated membership and officers systems and to regularly transmit such data to the International Union. Affiliates also are encouraged to negotiate with their employers to secure as much pertinent information as possible on their members; and


That the International Union will pursue outside sources to improve the accuracy and integrity of its member data and to augment the member data we obtain from affiliates. The International Union will continue to utilize outside sources to secure address correction, carrier route information, bar-coding, and congressional district data, and will investigate other externally available potential data sources, including AFSCME Member Benefit databases, to further expand our member data.


The International Union will explore methods for sharing the data it obtains from such outside sources with its councils, locals and other affiliates; and


That the International Union will call a meeting of AFSCME leadership in 2001 to obtain affiliate input on, and commitment to, this proposed expansion of the AFSCME Enterprise Database Membership System. In addition, a committee of affiliate staff will be appointed to work with International Union staff to develop standards and procedures that will enhance the exchange of information between AFSCME and its affiliates.