Kelly Indish

Kelly Indish

Flint, Michigan

Kelly Indish was elected an International Vice President from Michigan in August 2024 at AFSCME’s 46th International Convention in Los Angeles. She is president of Local 875, McLaren Flint nurses. Born into a union family, Indish has deep roots within the union movement. Her father was a shop committeeman for General Motors until his retirement and her mother was the original driving force behind the organizing efforts of nurses at McLaren Flint Hospital. She followed in her mother's footsteps by becoming a registered nurse in 2008, and became a member of Local 875 a year later. She went on to serve as a steward and held several officer positions within Local 875, serving as an executive board member, the secretary-treasurer, and the president. Indish has served as a volunteer member organizer and attended blitzes throughout Michigan to help other locals grow their membership and increase their voice in the workplace.