Connecting with AFSCME members who share the same job – and the same passion for it – has never been easier.
With AFSCME Facebook groups, you can be a part of a conversation where dedicated professionals from across the country swap stories, celebrate victories and gear up for future battles.
By joining one (or more) of the AFSCME Facebook groups below, you’ll be able to stay connected with other AFSCME members who know what it takes to get the job done and who never quit on their communities.
Browse the links below to find the group that interests you. Be sure to press "Join Group/Like Page" after you click on a link below:
- Corrections, Probation and Parole: Whether it’s sharing what works at your facility or talking about ways staffing shortages and privatization are making your job harder, the AFSCME Corrections, Probation and Parole group is a place for those who know what it’s like to be on the ground in the corrections system.
- EMS: The AFSCME EMS page is a gathering place for the fastest growing EMS union—EMS Workers United. Hear how other EMS workers are making gains through collective bargaining and fighting to keep the services they provide top notch.
- Health and Safety: Nothing is more important than a safe workplace, but all too often, lapses happen…and the consequences can last a lifetime. Ask questions and get answers about occupational health and safety to ensure everyone gets home unharmed.
- Health Care Employees: Providing the best care day in and day out is job #1, but it’s easier said than done. Talk with others in the health care community about the successes and challenges of providing quality health care.
- Higher Education: Colleges and universities across the country don’t run without you. Join a conversation on higher education workplace issues while getting to know your Sisters and Brothers at colleges and universities across the country.
- Housing: For those who work in public housing (and those who support them), changes to the federal budget, privatization, or health and safety problems can make or break your community. Share resources, tips, photos and answers with your Sisters and Brothers.
- K-12 Schools: When school workers across the country get together and share their stories, the result is schools that perform better and students who thrive. Discuss what’s made the school you work for successful and learn from others’ achievements.
- Law Enforcement: Now more than ever, law enforcement is in the national spotlight, and members need a forum to share how they keep their communities safe – both today and in the future.
- Library Workers: Your work goes far beyond checking out books and preserving a community’s storehouse of knowledge. Share your experiences about the ever-changing roles of library workers and the obstacles you’re facing.
- Next Wave: Among the most important links in AFSCME’s future, members of the Next Wave group are building young power for our local unions. Share the spirit, passion and goals for AFSCME!
- Nurses: You serve patients with compassion and dedication, all the while navigating a changing healthcare system. AFSCME Nurses group is a venue to share challenges big and small and tell others how you lift up the lives of the patients you serve.
- Public Administration: Join to be a part of a network of local, state and federal government employees in a vital national conversation on public administration.
- Transportation: As our nation’s infrastructure ages, the state of our roads has never been more important. Members interested in transit, road design and maintenance, as well as emerging technologies can discuss how to plan for the industry’s future.
- Women: Join other AFSCME Women to mobilize members around women’s issues, to build relationships nationwide and to celebrate women’s achievements across the spectrum.
- Behavioral Health: Fighting for safe caseloads, staying on top of shifting health policies and sharing strategies for serving on the front line of mental health care and substance use disorder treatment are important to you. AFSCME’s Behavioral Health Facebook group keeps you informed and on the cutting edge.