TELFORD, Texas – Corrections Officer Timothy Davison, the victim of an attack by a prisoner at the prison unit here in Bowie County, was laid to rest July 25 amid an outpouring of support for the Davison family from his Corrections family.
Officer Davison, 47, succumbed July 15 to injuries suffered when a prisoner serving a life sentence for robbery and aggravated assault attacked him with an iron bar. Davison is survived by his two daughters.
“It’s hard for us to know that Officer Davison put on his uniform in the morning and did not come home; it’s even harder for his family,” said Cathe Wilson, president of the AFSCME Gatesville local. “As a Corrections Officer, I believe we come in together and we leave together; it’s always hard when that doesn’t happen. I wish the family strength and peace during this time. We are here to support them in any way we can.”
The services included Corrections Officers from all over the country, from as far away as California. Condolences and donations for his family can be left at the Officers Down Memorial Page. Words of comfort and prayer may be sent to afscme.texas.corrections@gmail.org.
The details surrounding the fatal incident are currently under review by the state of Texas, but many believe that short staffing played a role. Texas Corrections has nearly 3,000 vacancies it is trying to fill throughout the state.