The Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) is a popular vehicle for reducing the number of uninsured children and cutting the child poverty rate. Though it has bipartisan support, this Congress has let the program expire.
Meanwhile, health care for 9 million children hangs in the balance.
AFSCME is pushing Congress to renew CHIP – which officially expired on September 30 – so these kids from low-income families can get the health care they need and deserve, but not at the expense of crucial programs that other vulnerable populations depend on.
The House has passed a bill renewing CHIP for five years, but the Senate has yet to take up its version.
The House bill would reauthorize, or extend the life of, CHIP for five years by making others lose health coverage under Medicaid and the Affordable Care Act. That’s right: The House is only willing to fund CHIP by making cuts to other programs so vital to the health and well-being of millions of other Americans.