Cincinnati 311 operator is the latest winner of AFSCME’s Never Quit Service Award

By AFSCME Staff ·

Shaundale Green Jr. is a good listener. That’s important to him because it allows him to serve his community the best way he can.

A 311 operator for the City of Cincinnati, Ohio, Green is proud of the work he does to make his community better.

“Cincinnati is where I live, it’s a beautiful city,” he says. “If there’s something wrong, like potholes, water main breaks, whatever it may be, I want to make sure that they get fixed, they get reported.”

311 is a non-emergency, 24-hour call line that city residents use to report issues. It’s important for Green that callers get the help they need, whether they’re calling with a question, a request to be transferred to another agency, or a report of something on public property that needs to be repaired.

“You want to make sure you’re getting all the information from the caller, word for word, and making sure you’re getting everything documented for that service request,” Green says.

For his service to his community, Green, a member of AFSCME Ohio Council 8, is a winner of our union’s Never Quit Service Award. The award recognizes public service workers who go above and beyond the call of duty to make their communities better.

“It can definitely be stressful,” Green says of his job. “You have to be patient with the caller and understand and listen to what’s going on so you can get all the information.”

But what keeps him coming back every day, he says, “is my family, my co-workers, and my friends here, and knowing that I can help whatever may be going on.”

Know a co-worker who goes the extra mile to make their community better? Nominate them for AFSCME’s Never Quit Service Award.