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How mass federal firings affect you

How mass federal firings affect you
By AFSCME Staff ·

To help pay for massive tax cuts for billionaires, the new administration is illegally firing thousands of federal workers.

These indiscriminate firings are already taking a toll on state and local public services. That’s because state and local workers, including AFSCME members, collaborate with or rely on the federal workforce to provide public services in their states and communities.

Here are some examples:

These are but a few examples, and they are just the beginning of the devastation to public services under this administration.

Government agencies have been ordered to produce a plan for worker layoffs by March 13 with no reasoning given as to why layoffs are being deemed necessary.

These firings are also inspiring some anti-union extremists at the state level — Florida for one — to begin their own Elon Musk-style taskforces to gut public service cuts.

Public service workers have had to do more with less for decades. We know better than anyone how to make government more efficient.

For years, we’ve faced short-staffing and underfunding in states, cities and towns. Further cuts will make our work even harder, especially in corrections, hospitals, nursing homes and schools.

Indiscriminate firings and budget reductions — including cuts to Medicaid that anti-union extremists in Congress are demanding — will have disastrous consequences for states, cities, communities and schools.

This is why AFSCME members are fighting back through our union’s Get Organized campaign. We will defend the public services we provide and our communities need and deserve.

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