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San Diego grounds maintenance worker enjoys building a winning team

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San Diego grounds maintenance worker enjoys building a winning team
By Pablo Ros ·
San Diego grounds maintenance worker enjoys building a winning team

In January 2024, a massive rainstorm hit the San Diego region, causing historic flooding that displaced more than 1,200 people and damaged thousands of homes in the southern-most part of California. One year later, many residents were still rebuilding their lives.

The heavy rainfall caused Chollas Creek to overflow and affected Chollas Lake Park, a 16-acre lake surrounded by hiking trails and a children’s playground that residents use for fishing, jogging, bicycling and more.

For nearly a quarter century, the park has also benefitted from the selfless dedication and hard work of Rodney Major, a member of AFSCME Local 127 (District Council 36).

Major is a grounds maintenance worker for the City of San Diego who takes immense pride in his service to his community. Thanks in part to his efforts, says the San Diego native, Chollas Lake Park “has never looked better.” One of the proudest moments of his long career he experienced just weeks ago when the repair work needed as a result of the massive flooding was finally completed.

“We repaved all the roads that were eroded because of the storms of January 2024,” Major says. “They had been temporarily patched up, but now they have been repaved smooth and there’s no erosion.”

Carey Goldstein, a supervising park ranger who oversees Major’s work, says Major regularly earns praise from his colleagues and the public alike “for his strong work ethic, positive attitude, and willingness to go above and beyond his duties.”

“Rodney’s collaboration with various city departments has been essential in completing projects efficiently, and his teamwork with contractors highlights his leadership skills,” Goldstein added.

On several occasions, Major has been formally recognized for his hard work. In 2021, for example, he was the City of San Diego’s employee of the year. Now, he can add another recognition to his wall.

For his service to his community, Major is the latest winner of our union’s Never Quit Service Award. The award recognizes public service workers who go above and beyond the call of duty to make their communities better.

Najja Lyon, a senior park ranger who nominated him for the award, says Major is a model employee and team player who prioritizes his service to the community.

“Rodney Major has exemplified exceptional dedication and initiative in his role … at Chollas Lake Park,” Lyon says. “His efforts have not only contributed to the overall maintenance and safety of the park but have also positively impacted public perceptions and inter-departmental collaborations.”

Major, who helps coordinate maintenance and repair projects with private contractors, says he takes great pride in his service to the community and loves seeing the results of his hard work. He gets to see it in the enjoyment of the people who frequent the park and the many who offer praise when they notice a job well done.

“I like building a winning team,” he says. “I like to see things done in a timely manner and a proper manner. I get the satisfaction of seeing the results on the public’s face when they see something that has changed their lives for the better.”

Know a co-worker who goes the extra mile to make their community better?

Nominate them for AFSCME’s Never Quit Service Award.

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