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Time to Get Organized! Call your member of Congress to save public services

Photo credit: AFSCME Staff
Time to Get Organized! Call your member of Congress to save public services
By AFSCME Staff ·
Tags: Priorities

AFSCME members, it’s time to act. It’s time to save public services from the anti-worker politicians in the U.S. House of Representatives. They want to slash the public services we provide and our communities rely on — just so they can dole out even bigger tax cuts to their billionaire buddies.

After the Senate approved a disastrous budget package early Friday, there’s no time waste.

The House of Representatives plans to take up its own budget package next week, and it won’t be any better.

We already know extremists in the House want to slash Medicaid. Federal Medicaid dollars are the largest source of federal funding for state budgets. They account for 56% of total federal funding allocated to states in 2024.

These extremists are targeting other public service services that your communities need and deserve.

Now is the time to act! Call your representative and tell them to stop the billionaire tax breaks and save public services.

In response to the Senate vote, AFSCME President Lee Saunders said: “This budget is inhumane. If cuts to essential services are enacted, children in public schools will go hungry. Retirees who depend on Medicaid and Medicare will lose health care. Families on SNAP will have to choose between groceries and rent. Emergency calls will go delayed or unanswered. Lifesaving public services will again come to a screeching halt, all so billionaires can hoard even more wealth.”

Anti-worker extremists and their backers want to slash $2 trillion from vital programs that working families, children, seniors and people with disabilities rely on — all so the rich can get $4.5 trillion in tax handouts.

Children and families will go hungry as a result of cuts to the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) and Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF). The well-being of seniors, retirees and lower-income families will be at risk because of cuts to Medicaid and Medicare.

If we don’t act now, public services in your community, as well as public service workers’ contracts and jobs, will be on the line.

Call your member of Congress now and tell them: No billionaire tax cuts in exchange for public services.

AFSCME’s Get Organized campaign seeks to stop anti-worker extremists and their billionaire friends from destroying the public services we provide. We won’t stand on the sidelines as they try to roll back laws that protect our health and safety at work, our job security and even our freedom to join our union.

Save public services in your community: Join the GO campaign by calling your representative now.

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