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Trump’s ‘Project 2025’ would take away many of our hard-won rights and freedoms

Photo credit: AFSCME Staff
Trump’s ‘Project 2025’ would take away many of our hard-won rights and freedoms
By AFSCME Staff ·

Donald Trump and his allies want to eliminate AFSCME.

Questioning the need for public service unions is only part of Trump’s plan for a second term. His plan — all 900 pages of it — would take power away from working people and give him unprecedented levels of control over our lives.

Known as “Project 2025,” this radical agenda, designed to be set in motion on Day One of a new Trump administration, was written by top Trump advisers.

AFSCME research shows Project 2025 would hurt working people by:

But Trump’s attacks on workers and our unions are only one front in Project 2025’s attack.

Our research shows the draconian blueprint for Trump’s second term includes hundreds of extreme policy recommendations that would, among other things, transform the entire federal government, gut health care and retirement benefits, destroy public education, wreck the economy, and wreak havoc with reproductive rights and immigration — all designed to crush our freedoms and benefit the wealthy at our expense.

What’s more, Project 2025 would also eviscerate Biden administration programs and policies that AFSCME members overwhelmingly support and fought for:

AFSCME has launched a website to give members and the public the facts about Project 2025 and Trump’s radical MAGA agenda.

The best way to block this roadmap for an imperial presidency is to defeat Trump and his MAGA allies during the upcoming elections. Vote for pro-worker candidates at every level of government in November!

Fight Project 2025

Access our website to learn about the dangers of Project 2025 and a second Trump term.

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