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Women in PA Take Never Quit Attitude to a New Level

A record number of Pennsylvania public service workers attended AFSCME Council 13’s Women’s Conference this year.
Women in PA Take Never Quit Attitude to a New Level
By Kevin Zapf Hanes ·
Women in PA Take Never Quit Attitude to a New Level
Cheryl Dondero, director of Dauphin County (Pa.) Drug & Alcohol Services, speaks at AFSCME Council 13’s annual Women’s Conference in Pocono Manor, Pa. (Photo by Jennifer George)

AFSCME Council 13’s annual Women’s Conference in Pocono Manor, Pa., attracted a record 600 attendees, including 100 new activists who had never attended this important event held during Women’s History Month this year.

The main focus was on building the union through education, but the conference also sought to raise awareness amongst the attendees about the dangers of drug addiction.

According to the AFSCME Council 13 website, Joette Dudeck, AFSCME Local 3864 member, shared her family’s tragic story about losing her daughter to drug addiction. Sister Joette detailed how her AFSCME sisters helped her get through tough times.

On March 10, demonstrating their commitment to fighting drug addiction, attendees hosted a silent auction, raising thousands of dollars for Sage’s Army, an organization seeking to change the social stigma associated with the disease.

“Not only was this our largest women’s conference,” said Dave Fillman, AFSCME Council 13’s executive director and an AFSCME International vice president, “but we raised awareness about a struggle that far too many AFSCME families face. Joette’s courage to tell her story and the compassion in the room demonstrates the never quit attitude of our members who will always stand by their sisters and brothers.”

Council 13 represents more than 67,000 public service employees in Pennsylvania.

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