For Immediate Release
Contact: Nick Voutsinos

AFSCME’s Saunders: Biden expansion of federal overtime rule will help millions more workers

WASHINGTON – AFSCME President Lee Saunders released the following statement after the Biden administration announced a new federal rule expanding overtime pay eligibility:
“The Biden administration’s expansion of the federal overtime rule will help millions more workers earn the pay they deserve. Some public service workers – including those in child welfare, mental health and substance abuse counseling – have been ineligible for overtime pay despite modest wages and the long hours they put in at essential jobs. This rule will fix those loopholes, so that more people who have spent their careers supporting their communities will now be in a better position to support their families. It will also help us retain more passionate and qualified individuals in public service. It’s a win-win, and we thank President Biden for his pro-worker leadership which is empowering AFSCME members and their families.