AFSCME’s Saunders: Cutting wages for workers and undermining unions is a promise broken
WASHINGTON – AFSCME President Lee Saunders released the following statement after the White House moved to end the $15 minimum wage for federal contractors and re-direct federal infrastructure investments to anti-union companies:
“The billionaires in the White House continue to find new ways to enrich themselves at the expense of working people. Ending the $15 minimum wage for federal contractors and redirecting taxpayer money to anti-union companies is just the latest example. This move is nothing more than an anti-worker measure to take money out of working peoples’ pockets, undermine their voice on the job and punish anyone who tries to speak out about unfair, unsafe working conditions. It’s also a slap in the face and promise broken to workers who are depending on this administration to lower rising costs, raise wages and make it easier for them to make ends meet.”