Lee Saunders Archive
You Helped Defeat Trumpcare, Saving Millions of Lives. Thank You.
Working people won big this morning when right-wing politicians failed despite repeated attempts to take health care away from millions.
‘Let Obamacare Fail.’ Really, Mr. President?
President Donald Trump to Americans who depend on having decent health care: “We’ll let Obamacare fail.” Really, Mr. President?
On the Record: Freedom
Freedom means more than making a living. It means the ability to financially support your family and have time to be there for them.
Tell Your Senators: ‘Hands Off Medicaid’
President Trump promised NOT to cut Medicaid, but his budget proposal and the House health care bill he supports tell a different story.
Dangerous and Unfair
President Trump and Speaker Ryan promised better health care at a lower cost for more people, but instead the House has passed a health care bill that will make the system worse for working people.