AFSCME Headquarters
- AFSCME Office of the General Counsel - Summer Law Clerk Program - Office of the General Counsel
- Accounting Clerk II - PEOPLE - Accounting
- Administrative Technician - Administration
- Associate General Counsel - Office of the General Counsel
- Full Stack Developer II, Tester - Data & Analytics
- Legal Office Assistant - Office of the General Counsel
- Office Assistant III - Auditing
- Office Assistant IV - Organizing & Field Services
- PEOPLE Fundraising Data Technician - Political Action
- Senior Accountant, General Ledger - Accounting
- Senior Executive Communications Specialist - Communications
- Senior Labor Bargaining Advocate - Research & Collective Bargaining
- Strategic Analyst II - Organizing & Field Services
- Field Education Coordinator II - Education & Leadership Training (Western Region)
- Field Office Assistant I - Organizing & Field Services (Los Angeles, CA)
- Political & Legislative Advocacy Apprentice - Political Action (Los Angeles, CA)
- Political Action Representative III - Political Action (Las Vegas, NV)
- Regional Communications Coordinator - Communications (Columbus, Ohio)
- Regional Field Administrator - Organizing & Field Services (Western Region Office - Los Angeles, CA)
AFSCME Affiliate Positions
- Executive Director - Indiana Kentucky Council 962 (Indianapolis, IN )
- Council Representative - AFSCME Colorado Council 18 (Colorado)
- Council Representative/Internal Organizer - Washington Federation of State Employees (WFSE) AFSCME Council 28 (Tacoma Field Office)
- Council Representative/Internal Organizer - Washington Federation of State Employees (WFSE) AFSCME Council 28 (Olympia Field Office)
- Council Representative/Internal Organizer - Washington Federation of State Employees (WFSE) AFSCME Council 28 (Spokane, WA)
- Council Representative/Internal Organizer - Washington Federation of State Employees (WFSE) AFSCME Council 28 (Spokane/Yakima, WA)